
P 3, line 19. The United Church of Canada was formed in 1925 by union of the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregational churches of Canada. It is Canada's largest Protestant church.

P 13, line 11. 'one writer.' Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (1976).

P 17, line 18. 'Wallace Stevens.' 'Theory,' in Collected Poems (1954),86.

P 18, line 25. 'Coleridge.' See particularly I.A.Richards, Coleridge on Imagination (reprinted 1960 with comments by Kathleen Coburn), 98.

P 30, line 34. 'Man's consciousness.' The English language, in its illogical unwisdom, established the convention many centuries ago that 'man' means 'men and women' and 'mankind' humanity. Other languages preserve the same conventions. In my view it is better to let such vestigial constructions fossilize rather than to attempt the pedantries of a uniform 'common language.' The fossilizing process does take place: we no longer think of a 'Quaker' as a hysteric or of 'Christmas' as a mass. Again, it is a distruct of metaphorical thinking that is involved. A seldom noticed aspect of this question is the language of pietistic hymns, one of which begins: 'Safe in the arms of Jesus, / Safe on his gentle breast.' The essential religious feeling here is that the risen Christ, at least, is quite as female as male.

P 32, line 20. 'Kant.' Critique of Judgment, tr. J.H. Bernard (1966), section 58.

P 33, line 3. The Blake quotation is from The French Revolution; the Wallace Stevens one from 'So-and-so Reclining on Her Couch.' Collected Poems, 296.

P 36, line 12. 'Hegel.' See Phenomenology of Spirit, by G.W.F. hegel, tr A.V. Miller with analysis of the text and foreward by J.N. Findlay (1977), section 177. For the 'substance is subject' above see section 18, and for the 'unhappy consciousness' earlier, section 206.

P 39, line 7. 'Caligula.' See Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, XVIII, viii.

P 39, line 15. I am aware that this distinction between 'create' and 'make' does not exist in ordinary language, but the distinction is quite as important as though it did.

P 44, line 27. 'Malekula.' J. Layard's account of Malekulan mythology is well summarized in G.R. Levy, The Gate of Horn (1948), 152 ff.

P 45, line 9. 'Anaximander.' See The Presocratics, ed. Philip Wheelwright (1966), 53.

P 50, line 15 'primitive view of history.' Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane (1959), 68 ff.

P 50, line 20. 'Pharaoh.' Henri Frankfort, Ancient Egyptian Religion (1961), 102 ff.

P 57, line 35. 'Coleridge.' Conciones ad Populum: 'On the Present War.'

P 69, line 29. 'Pietro.' William Anderson, Dante the Maker (1980), 347.

P 72, line 16. 'Dylan Thomas.' 'A Refusal to Mourn the Death,' etc.

P 73, line 31. 'Plotinus.' The life of Plotinus by his disciple Porphyry begins with the statement that Plotinus was ashamed of being in the body.

P 77, line 2. 'rule of charity.' Milton, De Doctrina Christiana.

P 80, line 14. 'Emily Dickinson.' Collected Poems, ed. Thomas H. Johnson, 1317.

P 83, line 23. The line 'to purify the dialect of the tribe,' in Eliot's 'Little Gidding' is derived from Mallarmé's 'Le tombeau d'Edgar Poe.'

P 84, line 20. 'implicate order.' David Bohm, Wholeness and the implicate Order (1980), ch. 7.

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